I am a PhD student (June 2020 - ) at Martin Luther University ( iDiv center), in Germany. My project will apply RADseq analyses to identify molecular mechanisms of rapid evolution in native and non-native Conyza canadensis populations. Landscape genomics will unravel adaptive and non-adaptive drivers of the global genomic structure of this cosmopolitan weed. Available common garden data will allow studying genomic associations for intraspecific trait variation for phenotypic (competitive ability) and metabolomic data (root exudate profiles).
I have a Master's degree in Ecology and Biodiversity (2018 - 2020) from São Paulo State University (UNESP, Brazil). Previously, I obtained my Bachelor's degree in Ecology (2012 - 2017) at the same university. I was interested in understanding how defaunation affects seed dispersal. To this, I applied a combination of molecular techniques and fieldwork.

German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig
Martin Luther University Halle (MLU)
Institute for Biology / Geobotany and Botanical Garden
Große Steinstraße 79
Halle (Saale) - Germany